
You Know the Saying....

What a difference a year makes?
This was the scene in our yard on March 22, 2012
This was the scene in our same yard on March 20, 2012

Never mind that he's walking, talking, or that he refuses to keep mittens on. He is bundled up and eating the snow that our yard is covered in.
That makes me feel like this
I'm ready for Spring!!


  1. Such adorable pictures! He is darling! I am with him, I want spring. More snow now in NYC! I think after NEMO the novelity of the snow wore off.

  2. Thanks! We wanted the snow a month ago but now it just needs to wait until next year...

  3. I was just thinking the same thing... Last year I was on my second week of maternity leave, LOVING the 80 degree temps. This year, covered in snow. I just want spring already... the calendar says it IS spring!

  4. Dontcha just love having all four seasons in two days! Great post, great pics, and I'm right there with you wishing for spring!
