
Monogram Wreath for Spring

We have had this large black G hanging in the foyer since we moved in. As many times as I have decorated every nook of the house for the holidays or with the changing seasons and as often as I use grapevine wreaths, I hadn't done anything with the G.

I picked up this extra large wreath and forsythia garland and made a very quick and simple spring themed wreath. It is just startling what a difference it makes in this space. It makes me realize how empty the space above the door looked before without the addition of a bit of bright color. There is so much natural light streaming in the door and windows all day that it was easy to miss the need for something else to brighten the space.


On a side note, it is snowing here and despite my best attempt to convince myself that it is a beautiful spring day, it is so COLD. I will continue to cover the inside of my house with flowers as long as this keeps up. Someone let me know when they start popping up outside. I'm not coming out until then.


  1. I LOVE monograms! This is so pretty! Would love it if you would link this up to Give Me The Goods Monday: 1 Party, 5 Blogs!
    Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof

  2. Thanks, Jenna. I'm heading there now to give you the goods ;) So many people are linking up with there, it's great!

  3. Hi, I found you through Brenda at Cozy Little House. Brenda helped me get my blog going and introduced me to her readers back in November on Welcome Wagon Friday so I know you'll be visited by many new friends. I do hope the snows stop right away for you and so many others. It's Spring, for goodness sake!

    1. Dewena the sun is out today! I think there just might be a robin on my lawn. If I could just put down the Easter candy, it's a great day for a walk! Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Visiting from Brenda's Welcome Wagon / don't feel bad we've still had cold and snow etc here too :)

    1. Thanks for visiting. I'm thinking that we turned a corner with the cold weather. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself!

  5. Visiting from the Welcome Wagon! Great idea for using the big initial and for adding the "hope" of Spring to your home! Wish I could send you some of our "85 degrees and sunshine" weather from Arizona, but I'll wish you warm thoughts. I'm a new follower!


    1. Thanks Carol! Arizona weather sounds perfect to me right now. Enjoy,

  6. I'm visiting from Brenda's blog and I am just loving yours! You really have a talent for writing and I enjoyed a few of your latest posts! Keep on's so great to read! I just signed up as a new follower.

    Just a many of us don't come back a second time to read your reply to comments. You may want to email the blogger or visit the blog itself to reply. Just a thought. :)


    1. Thank you Jane. That's really nice to hear!
      I've been trying to reply to commenters on here and on their blog as well. It feels strange not to write back below the comment but I do understand what you're saying about not checking back because of course I do the same thing ;)
      Thanks for the advice,

  7. Awesome!!! What a great piece!!! Thanks for linking up at Give Me The Goods Monday! Features will be posted Sunday!!!
    Amy @

  8. Love monograms! And G is one of mine :)
    I'm visiting you today from Nifty Thrifty. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog and leave a comment and Link Up, too!
    ~ Megin of VMG206
    Medicine Cabinet Makeover
