
Painted Sea Star Art

I've been working on decorating the entryway for a few weeks with some of the frames and wall hangings that have been waiting to be used since I unpacked them a year ago. I couldn't find anything I liked for the empty space below so I made the sea star plaque to fill it in. 

I bought some sisal rope and the unfinished plaque then added leftover drop cloth fabric and one of many random sea stars I had scattered about the house just waiting for a child to break it.

I gave the edges a quick coat of white paint, glued a piece of drop cloth onto the top surface, and hot glued the rope around both the top and bottom edges.

Even though the drop cloth fabric was still drying from spray adhesive and the rope needed some trimming, I knew that it wasn't looking how I wanted it to.

I gave the star a quick coat of black paint. By quick I mean I speed painted it while the Itsy Bitsy Spider played on repeat on my phone to a sleeping but stirring baby in her swing. Once it was dry enough to handle I hot glued the star to the fabric.

I was much happier with the star painted black.

I'm happy with its place in the almost finished gallery wall for now....


  1. I love this idea. I'm struggling with a gallery wall and I need some inspiration. Thanks for sharing this. Would love if you came and linked up to the Merry Monday link party on Sunday at 6pm PST.

  2. I like that idea! Very simple but a perfect addition to the gallery. (Great job speed painting with a sleeping baby, too.) LOL!

    1. Thanks Kirsten! I try to do as much crafting as I can during nap.
