
Tweets From the Drive-Thru

Anyone that has spent enough time in the Starbucks drive-thru line can probably share an odd, funny, or irritating experience they've had there.

No car? No cash for a tip? Maybe they're just looking for fried chicken. These are the people that make the drive-thru line interesting, unnecessarily long, and inspire the coffee tweets that make me laugh when all I really want is caffeine. 

If you somehow manage to avoid the drive-thru line, these Twitter users' Starbucks Drive-Thru tweets perfectly illustrate the characters you can expect to find there.

Remember that time you were in line at the drive thru for a coffee and the person in front of you forgot milk is sold everywhere else?

Immediately after her disco party ended she was banned for life from getting her drink made right.

But it would be Our Pleasure to make you a COFFEE!

There is a tip cup at the window. The barista assumes that if you tip, you'll tip cash.          

A barista paid that potato forward when his next customer was a horse.

If you have what it takes to bring your horse through a drive-thru line, you better be riding it.

Something tells me she wanted a frappuccino.

FYI- the person in the car behind you isn't wearing any pants.

Slowly raises hand.....

Anyone else?

White Walls

How long does it take to decorate when you move to a new house? A month, three months, SIX months? We moved into a new house in March and I'm still not over the fact that every inch of every wall is painted white. The lack of color is weirdly overwhelming and at the rate I'm going, my white walls are going to stay bare all summer. Most of our wall hangings and artwork are leaning against the walls in the rooms I *think* they're going to hang in which I realize is inviting disaster.

I go back and forth between not caring what the inside of the house looks like so I can just enjoy the summer with the kids and stressing about the fact that life seems to run so much smoother when everything is in "it's place". I know that kids could care less about what my walls look like and won't remember the time I spent hammering nails into the walls but hope that some of the adventures we've already had at this house were worth remembering.

Spring flew by and when it wasn't raining looked like this.

Now our summer is in full swing with a beach trip and another upcoming trip to NY to see family.

I've thought about where to find more time for decorating, playing, taking trips, writing, working on editing about five million photos, and still getting sleep at night. I haven't found it but looking back at pictures like this one of our front hall I can see we've actually made a lot of progress!